Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Byatch raking up some serious mileage...part 4

finally arriving at Felda bahang Barat without sesat....about 45 minutes from Ayer Itam tol...100% from the invite card...hahaha. quite a miracle. but the journey is worthwhile. mmg sempoi. fresh air...greeneries on ur right n left... damn nice. hehehe. luv the kampung scene. relax2 a bit once in a while wouldnt hurt,rite ? :). the theme is green. so it helps when me donning an green urban batik with florals... ya ya ya... mat bunga. hey its sunday wat ? :)
lucky for me, Izrin n Ayu from my degree years are there too. so adela gang. hehehe

the bride @ my friend from degree, Eja...hehehehe

Unfortunately i have to be back to Kota Kemuning by 5pm...damn... so wit furthe a due, have to cut short everything... meeting miss Erun of SPoC Johore Clan, jalan2 n such. ai yai yai yai. wat to do. mase depan bangsa worr... so have to rush juge la. Izrin n Ayu wanna tumpang as no ticket back for them are available anywhere. okla. have company. xdela busan. hehehe. just mind the creaking noise n the fact that i have to go back asap. a lil late sket xpe rite. i am after all, from johore...:)

Erun msg dat she'll meet up at Ayer Itam Tol. ok la, jumpe juge. hehe. pump another RM50. so total on fuel is RM150, mileage up to diz point is 455km... not badla for non-economical driving...haha.
best part, we got lost on the back from Felda. hahaha. somehow i mange to take a right when i supposed to take a left. lalala. so have to ask for directions la kan. lol. malu tanye, mampuih sesat. dahla negeri org plak tu. wakakkaka.

Lucky for us, i actually took a shorter route n much2 straighter one too. so +/- 30 minutes ony to reach Ayer Itam. discount 15minutes. hehe. when ure in a rush, any savings counts. :)


Shaira Nadiah MJ said...

Fuh, you are an extremely fast driver, so far haven't encounter your speedo drive yet, I tak nak k, haha!

Ayz Pujangga said...

as long as nuthing to very slow la...especially if ferrying people. dont want to take any unnecessary risk. donno wat to tell their parents later in case of anything. :)