Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Byatch raking up some serious mileage...part 3

end up sleeping late...gare2 layan tennis... hahaha. donno why suddenly everybody's into it. so layan ony just for fun. its Nadal vs Gasquet semifinal. Nadal won in the end of a grueling match.

so there me start me journey at around 1030am... thinkin of Ayer Hitam being not dat far really from Malacca... bad move... coz it is quite a distance actually. coz after 30 minutes of driving im still 60km away... argh.... tuh la wat pandai x reti2 tanye siap2. no wonder Nana insist me to take some breakfast before going there. huhu... since the higway is almost deserted, so i open up the throttle la. wanna try n test Byatch's endurance n also the Green Oil effect. at the same time. gile kan ? nevermind, it keeps me awake tho.

finally arrived ayer itam tol. whew, wat a drive. now to Felda Bahang Barat... map seems small. shud be nearby.... again, a was wrong... took me about 45 minutes just to get there.... adoi... lesson learn... jgn ikut kate hati sgt kadang2... there's an old saying, "ikut hati ,mati." right....

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